Out-of-Sample Evaluation Phase
Out-of-Sample Evaluation Phase
During the Out-of-sample (OOS) phase, your submissions will undergo iterative scoring, released each Monday at 6 PM CEST, from Monday, August 28th, and concluding on Monday, November 20th.
Leaderboard Update
The leaderboard will be regularly updated on a weekly basis. The mean score will be calculated as the average Spearman correlation across all Out-of-sample dates
released from the inception of the Out-of-Sample phase. This approach will progressively mitigate score volatility, leading the leaderboard to increasingly reflect the structure of the final rankings over time.
In-Depth Scoring Breakdown
Detailed performance metrics for your Out-of-sample submissions are available within the Out-of-Sample Performance section on your submission page. You will have access to the following information:
The performance of the selected submission, on a per-date basis.
A comprehensive breakdown of your performance on your Out-of-Sample run, presented on a per-date basis.
Final Leaderboard Consideration
It is important to note that the sole leaderboard considered for rewards determination will be the ultimate iteration taking place on November 20th. Given its finality, this leaderboard will encompass the complete array of your scores across all Out-of-Sample dates
Last updated